Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're In Hana Now

Click here for more Hana photos.
Hana Bay

Well, there's a reason this is a rainforest environment with spectacular waterfalls everywhere.  It rains here!  A lot!  So our first day was spent getting out when things cleared up - a trip in the morning and an afternoon adventure.  Our morning trip coincided with a nice clearing out of clouds.  We watched distant whales in the ocean from our deck then headed of to get our bearings, focusing on the rural and sleepy village of Hana and the beautiful bays and beaches that are nearby.
Our neighbor horse
We explored Hana Bay and nearby Red Sand Beach, which was a bit difficult to get to.

Hana Church
In the afternoon we went to explore more beaches, this time finding a nice, sandy bottom bay with great breaking waves.  Ted and I took the plunge and did some body surfing connecting with a 10 year old boy who was out there by himself riding the waves on a boogie board quite expertly.  He showed us the ropes and allowed us to make the Pacific transition with ease.  It is a bit intimidating in the surf here as there are many signs posted warning of the dangers in the ocean and reminding us of the loss of life that regularly occurs. 
Lava chute
Red Sand Beach
Red Sand Beach

Greetings!  Have fun swimming!

Good swimming here...

And here!

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