Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Diamond Head

Click here for more Waikiki and Diamond Head photos

Honolulu's most enduring icon is Diamond Head. One hasn't arrived until the great mountain is glimpsed at the far east end of Waikiki Beach. The image is everywhere from postcards, to tee shirts and, of course, ...there it always is!  The sun and moon rise over it and it reflects the sunset.  Even at night city lights and moonlight illuminate it in profile.  I'k like to create photo book entitled "The 24 hours of Diamond Head".  I remember seeing it's visage in photos when I was a kid so it always seems so special to see it in person.  I can't help but be drawn to it.

The great peak is really a part of a 150,000 year old crater formed by a volcano; a volcano that erupted long after the island of Oahu had formed.  The crater itself is nearly a perfect circle and one enters through a tunnel cut through the rim on the north side.  The US Army had fortifications built early in the 20th century as a lookout post and the military still controls most of the property.  But it is a state park and the hike to the top is short and of moderate difficulty.  It's steep with many steel steps from it's military past, but the trail is clean, dry, well marked and busy with tourists.

So +Jeff Barnett , +Shayna Stahl  and +Michael Ayala , here is what I did after our meeting on Monday while you were driving home and here are the photos from the trail:
There's a half mile hike from the entrance to the park to
the crater interior. Here is the crater rim on the right.

A tunnel leads to the crater interior
The trail begins paved, dry and beautiful 
Ascending Le'ahi, the Diamond Head
profile, I can begin to see over the eastern
rim.  Note the tunnel lower left.

The iron piping supported overhead camouflage during wartime

Two other peaks along the crater rim contain old lookouts

Lot's of switchbacks ascending the mountain.....

....and plenty of steps!

At last...the summit!

And the view makes the journey worthwhile!
And I made it down before sunset!

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